
The SOCO‘s purpose is to create safe, convenient homes for the people that make our cities great. We are acutely aware that urban living is increasingly a viable living solution only for those in social housing and the wealthy. We strongly believe that great cities value is intrinsically tied to social mobility and community.

Our mission is to provide a housing platform, in an equitable and non-discriminatory fashion, that enables the people that drives our cities vibrancy to remain, living and thriving within its core, close to family, friends and workplaces.

Net Carbon Zero

A commitment to be operationally Net-Zero Carbon across our whole portfolio by 2030 in addition to the supply of energy from 100% renewable sources

CO2 Reduction

A commitment to at least a 60% reduction in carbon emissions through our modular approach, use of low carbon products and the conscious operation of our buildings

£10 Million

£10m of targeted social impact generated via our construction and operational partnerships as well as our delivery of purpose built community facilities, Social Housing and through our affordable rents.

We are a B-Corp Pending company. This highlights our belief that business can be used as a force for good. In signing up as a B-Corp our company articles were edited to legally bind us to making conscientious choices that will positively impact the planet, our community and the people we engage with. We are proud to continually strive to meet the highest standards of social and environmental impact associated with B Corp.